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Futamata Bridge ♡ Course

  • 5km
  • 110min

A Great Encounter! See Sites of the Yuen Railroad, Too

Located at the juncture of the Tsurugawa and Shakain Rivers, the Futamata Bridge has for centuries been a busy place for transport. The bridge is now known as a lucky spot for love, as the bridge forms a heart with its shadow during specific seasons. This course takes you along a number of old pathways, including a few other stone bridges and the former Yuen Railroad. A nice relaxing dip in an onsen is the perfect way to end your walk.
Fun Points
1. Start and finish at Samata-no-yu
2. Pairing of Makado Bridge and waterfall 
3. Yellow gingko leaves and Komushiro Bridge
4. Comparing the five older and newer bridges at Futamata
5. Walking the old Yuen Railroad 
6. Low bridge across the Tsuru River

Start point

Samatanoyu Misato Roadside Station

Samata 705, Misatomachi, Shimomashikigun

Car 25 min by car from Matsubase IC
Bus 1 hour from JR Matsubase Station on Sanko Bus bound for Tomochi
Course map

Yes (for purchase)

Contact Us

Name Misato Footpath Association
Address Baba 749-1, Misatomachi, Shimomashikigun
Tel 0964-53-9997
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