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Takagi Highlands Course

  • 6km
  • 120min

Walk the Ravine Carved out of a Plateau by the Midori River

This course takes you from an area filled with tea farms, down the gently flowing Midori River until you suddenly come upon a lovely natural spring park. After continuing along the irrigation canals adjacent to the riverbanks, you'll head back up to the highlands where you're greeted with a wonderful view.

Start point

Misatomachi Ball Game Ground

Baba 544, Misatomachi, Shimomashikigun

Car 20 min by car from Matsubase IC
Bus 40 min from Matsubase Station (Sanko Bus)
Course map

Yes (for purchase)

Contact Us

Name Misato Footpath Association
Address Baba 749-1, Misatomachi, Shimomashikigun
Tel 0964-53-9997
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