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Downtown Tomochi Course

  • 5km
  • 110min

Pure Waters and Historic Hills

The pure waters of the Tsuru River run from east to west and surround the downtown area of Tomochi. The neighboring hills offer wonderful views of the town below, and the views from the riverside and from the hills show two different sides of the history of the town. This course offers a pleasant trip through the hills and valleys of Tomochi.

Start point

Hibiki Misatomachi Cultural Exchange Center

Nagatomi 1483, Misatomachi, Shimomashikigun

Car 30 min by car from Matsubase IC
Course map

Yes (for purchase)

Contact Us

Name Misato Footpath Association
Address Baba 749-1, Misatomachi, Shimomashikigun
Tel 0964-53-9997
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